Glorious Day
What a beautiful day. No wind and more important NO RAIN. At least for today. Wonderful day to get out and work in the yard. And this afternoon, I am taking my pontoon boat and a book and float on the lake. A no dress up & go to work day. My tomatoes aren't doing so well so I put some bug dust on them. I do have one green tomato so that is promising. I seem to have no luck with tomatoes and every fall I swear I won't try them again. But come spring when I see the plants at the store, I just have to try one more time. I think I have finally got rid of the moles and am now trying to grow the grass back. They were really doing a number on my yard. And they aren't the smartest creatures. I would see their burrows run right into the brick wall (well sidewalk) I refuse to let anything rain on my parade today. It is so mild out, I have had my house open. That may change today but for now, I love it.
Labels: Sunny day
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